PL // April

That week after arriving from a very restless 13 hour flight.
That first week ... it's always the worst for me to get back into my usual rhythm after a trip from Australia. 
Jet lag + an intense homesick feeling = an emotional me.   I think having the kids forces me to get a grip on things a lot quicker though, that is for sure!  

Here is that week documented.  There were many moments where I found myself looking into the sky in a complete haze wondering what time it was and constant yawning all day.  Kids sleeping in until 10am (!) some mornings.  A lot of aussie chocolate being consumed.  It ended on a happy note doing one of my favourite activites this time of year ... strawberry picking at Tanaka Farms.

The journal cards from dearest someday have been the perfect simple addition to a lot of my pages.
They are a little different but add such a cute touch.

And then April flew on by and here is the last week documented.

An impromptu trip to disneyland. A Saturday morning at Ikea and a lot of hand washing for Owen.
That boy loves water! 

One of my favourite things to do is use multiple shots of one subject like the ones of baby boy playing in the sink (see below pic). 
I like how the different angles capture a great little story.  In this particular instance each one has a different facial expression which I want to remember.

Onto May which I am happy to say I am all caught up!
Seriously loving how my album is looking with the focus being on the photos.  Simplicity you are my friend!

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