Project Life {Weeks 3 and 4)

Here I am again sharing my Week 3 and Week 4 of my Project Life.

 I must admit first up though I'm pretty happy and proud I have kept up to date with the weekly thing.  I guess it is only January though  .. I do have a whole year to go and things may change as the months pass.  I don't doubt it! :)   It definitely helps to have a little routine and carve out a specific day/time to do it.  For me Sunday seems to be the day and evening seems to be my time.  It also helps that this is my second year attempting to document our lives like this and my process seems to flow better second time around.    I have realised minimal and simple is still my go to style.  I'm keeping the emphasis on the actual photos and I'm loving the end result!

Inspired by Tina I'm liking the writing on the photos technique (see top right photo in spread above) where I type directly on the photo before printing.  A few words and it tells the story in nutshell.

I love the photos from the right side of this week.  My daughter and husband went to Disneyland on a Friday afternoon/evening  .. just the two of them. We are lucky enough to live very very close by and have season passes to make use of.   He texted me pics during the evening and I absolutely love love her facial expressions.  I hear they had such fun time .. so of course it had to be documented!  Baby boy and I missed out on the fun because I was at home battling some serious congestion and blowing my nose every 2 minutes but I'm so glad I got to smile at these photos as I sat on the couch wrapped up in a blanket.

For Week 4 I had to add another insert .. a Design J (An official project life photo insert) in the middle because I had to include some screen shots of my skype call with my sister and nephews in Australia.  I just trimmed the photos to be 4x4 so that they fit in the square pockets.
Left Side.  Again love to have the photos tell the story.

 Right Side.  Hello My Name Is Stamp from Studio Calico.

Here is the front and back sides of the middle insert I included as an extra this week.
So happy I go to use some awesome world map thickers from Studio Calico I had been hoarding.
They went well with the international theme (since we were skyping with my Aussie Family) :))

Project Life is such an awesome concept! 

Thanks for looking!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I love everything about this!!

Ronnie said...

Lovely spreads Jenny. I like how light and warm your photos feel!
Ronnie xo