Welcoming Summer


We are in June already?  How did that happen?
Aaaah yes we have some tomatoes happily ripening, there are baby birds finding their wings and leaving their nests and other birds looking for discrete places to build their nest.  Trust me .. we did a lot of bird watching Sunday morning!   It's pretty much the unofficial start to the summer season around here and well this weekend very much felt like it!  Warm weather and lots of time playing with/in the water even if it's our teeny tiny inflatable pool ... but when this face smiles this big after spending  some time in his tiny pool it's all that matters to me!
He walked outside on Sunday, looked up at the sky and exclaimed "Is sunny. I need sunbock (sunblock).
He grabbed the suncreen face stick and proceeded to apply it to his face ..  he let me help him spread it around those squishable cheeks of his.
A minute later he demanded to "put on my simsuit (swimsuit).  He pretty much put the official 'start of summer stamp' in my book.   Oh my goodness that tiny voice of his expanding every single day with new vocabulary.  It's crazy to think how much he has changed since last summer! Crazy! 

I'm very much looking forward to a great summer .. this very vocal and active little boy of mine needs to be kept busy and I'm still figuring out our official must do's  but  this great printable from this creative lady got me motivated to start thinking and here's what I have so far.  I will let my five year old have her say on what she wants to do and add to it this week I'm thinking.

I'm very much looking forward to a great summer .. this very vocal and active little boy of mine loves being outside so I forsee lots of time enjoying our own backyard and we will definitely squeeze in a quite a few trips to the beach.  This great summer list printable from this creative lady got me motivated to start thinking about other summer must do's and here's what I have so far.  I let my five year old have her say on what she wants to do.  I hand wrote those in.
Our conversation went a little like this:

Me:  "Do you have anything you really want to do or make this summer"?
Her:  "Yes .. I want to make a butterfly".
Me:   " Ummm Ok.  What would you like to make it out of"?
Her:  " How about clay"?.

And so with a little oven bake clay we have one item ticked/checked of our list.
She is so awesome! 

Hope your summer brings lots of happy times and amazing memories are made!

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