I'm back in this space to share the last two weeks of my project life.
I choose not to title my spreads with 'Week #' .. I like to just include the dates in which the photos were captured. I fully intend to continue with the weekly spreads but just in case I miss a week for whatever reason (which wouldn't be the end of world) I would much rather know the actual date that it happened. I like to use Monday-Friday. Just my preference though :)
* My fascination with my kids and their love for picking flowers. I am not sure when that fascination will pass but I will continue to snap a photo for as long as they let me.
* Another visit to our favourite zoo ...when there hasn't been any plans on the weekend the question arises "what should we do today". More often than not my two year old's response is "the zooooo".
Since we go so often I like to challenge myself with the types of photos I take and the locations I take them at. I could include the usual pic of the kids imitating the monkeys but you know .. I have to spice things up a tad.
* Lunch at the beach with a little play time and my daughter's love for collecting. And when there is nothing else a moccasin works fabulously as a shell collection container. Love Her!
* Outgoing Happy Mail ..
And Now The First Week of February 3rd-9th:
The Left Side:
The Right Side:
* A very strange sight here in Southern California .. Rain! Ha! I mentioned early that Thursday morning that it might rain ... and it was all the kids kept asking me about the entire day. Needless to say once it came down it was all about the puddle jumping.
* I snapped some quick photos during two of my errand running days with my little sidekick. Let's just say some days are easier than others with my feisty, independent not wanting to hear the word no two year old boy. Insert ** big sigh**.
* One of my favourite moments this week .. a quick date night to disneyland to ride Space Mountain .. just the the two of us. This is a photo of a photo .. yep definitely could not bring ourselves to pay the price they ask for the printed pic so this will have to do! But I just had to get a copy of it somehow because our faces are priceless.
* My want to be gardener getting her hands dirty.
* A little piece of art drawn by my girl after we returned home from her pre kindergarten testing .. it was obviously a big moment for her (just as much as her parents) that she felt the need to document just what happened moment by moment.
* A proud moment where my girl just couldn't contain her excitement after she realised she was swinging all by herself. I expand on the extra insert below.
I obviously went a little overboard with the picture taking of my girl on the swing.
I couldn't pick a favourite and because I felt it was special moment I included a bunch of photos sized down to 2x2 and used a coin pocket page to display them in. A tiny bit of journaling and some brush script and I kinda like how it turned out.
Thanks for looking!
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