Project Life/Week 4

There was quite a collection of photos I reeeeally wanted to use this week but made a good effort at narrowing down a select few.

This is the left side.

My new best friend for car rides short and long ... audio books on CD. 
Our library adventures lately have been very good to us and I have discovered the awesomeness that is a book on CD.   My kids LOVE them.  So that means peaceful car rides. Win-Win. :))

A favourite timercam (One of my favourite phone apps) pic as we waited for daddy to come home so we could go to my daughter's soccer class.
And of course the little soccer player flashing a pretty awesome smile on her way out the door.

I play with paper .. my husband plays with a very cool  helicopter which was broken two weeks ago and I couldn't resist a photo of him trying to fix it.  It's just so him.  I say how much I love this paper and he says " this stuff. this right here is what I find amazing".  Of course talking about the technical and tiny sparts that make that 'toy' do its thing. 

Then of course I had to include some quotes spoken by my kids.
I cut down a studio calico handbook photo pocket exactly in half so it would just have two openings ..
just enough to include my favourite things I overheard my kids say this week.

The Right Side.

This weeks installment of pretty dandelion.  Those baby boy cheeks as he tries to blow the dandelion seeds in one breath ... LOVE!

My girl has a new face that she does when she notices there is a camera taking a photo of her.
A little nose scrunch.  An open mouth and there is usually a little screeching sounds that comes out also. 

The week ended with a school tour of the school we have applied for our girl to attend kindergarten at.  Oh Man!  That was a reality check ... time is going by too quickly. 

 Interested in Project Life
Check out this website for everything you need to know about this amazing way to do something with all those photos you are collecting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your PL pages! Beautiful pictures documented beautifully! I also loved the quotes I need to do this too. My 3 year old does something similar when asked to smile or the forbidden words "say cheese" is spoken by someone!